QNR – Senedd Cymru ar 21 Tachwedd 2018.
We strive to ensure that excellent facilities are available to our learners. Our twenty-first century schools and education programme has encompassed a wide variety of schemes catering for the different needs of all learners and communities.
Mae 29 cymhwyster TGAU a 29 cymhwyster Safon Uwch newydd wedi’u cyflwyno yng Ngymru yn sgil yr adolygiad o gymwysterau yn 2012. Mae’r cymwysterau newydd wedi’u cyflwyno dros dair blynedd rhwng 2015 a 2017 a neilltuwyd dros £10 miliwn er mwyn cynorthwyo ysgolion â’r gwaith o’u cyflwyno.
We are introducing a new National Procurement Service agency framework that supports fair work; piloting school-based supply cluster arrangements as an alternative direct employment model; developing plans to introduce quality assurance standards and delivering on our commitment to fund professional learning for all teachers including supply teachers.
GCSE summer outcomes remained broadly stable considering the impact of a change in early entry activity and the introduction of 15 new examinations. It was particularly pleasing to see improvement at the top grades from the previous year, which will help pupils go on to further study or training.
Local authorities are responsible for planning of school places. When proposing significant changes to schools they must comply with the school organisation code and take into account a range of factors, the prime consideration being the interests of learners. Proposals affecting school sixth forms require the approval of Welsh Ministers.